Boeing B-17 on a ramp in Germany picture question.

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B-17F-10-BO 41-24485

The famous Memphis Belle, a B-17F-10-BO (41-24485) of the 324th Bombardment Squadron, 91st Bombardment Group was the first American bomber to complete 25 missions over Europe and survive. This 25th mission was flown on May 17, 1943. Following this mission, the plane returned to the USA to take part in a war bond tour. Upon completion of the tour, the Memphis Belle was turned over to a training group at McDill Field in Florida. In 1945, it was redesignated TB-17F. In August of 1945, it was consigned to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for disposal. It was about to be scrapped when a citizen of Memphis happened to note that it was the famous Memphis Belle and should be saved. The plane was rescued from the scrap heap and was flown to Memphis, Tennessee where it was put on display outdoors on a pedestal. Over the succeeding years, Memphis Belle began to show signs of wear and tear as the inevitable effects of weather and vandals took their toll. Public outcry at the sorry state of Memphis Belle led to a major restoration effort. Finally, in 1987, a fully-restored Memphis Belle, now sporting a more-accurate paint scheme, was put on permanent display underneath a protective dome. In October of 2005, the USAF reclaimed ownership of the Memphis Belle and it was transferred by truck to Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio, where it is now undergoing a thorough restoration.

So Memphis Tennessee USA
The first 8AF heavy bomber to complete 25 missions was B-24D 41-23728 "HOT STUFF" of the 93BG 330BS, which accomplished the feat on 7-Feb-1943. It crashed in Iceland returning to the USA. The next 8AF heavy bomber to complete 25 missions was B-17E 41-24577 "HELL'S ANGELS" of the 303BG 358BS, which did it on 13-May-1943. The crew opted to stay in England and do a second combat tour (eventually flying 48 combat missions before returning to the USA). "MEMPHIS BELLE" B-17F 41-34485 landed from its 25th mission on 19-May-1943. A lot has been written about this issue. Public relations is not always accurate.
B-17F 41-24577 "Hells Angels" didn't return to CONUS til 10 February 1944.
B-24D 41-23728 "HOT STUFF" crashed.

"MEMPHIS BELLE" B-17F 41-34485 flown back to the United States on 8 June 1943.

So the MEMPHIS BELLE was the first 25 mission bomber to return to the USA.

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