Bomber command Memorial needs help

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I thought the design was already chosen? 7 aircrew standing around wasnt it? also I've made the same point about the memorial being to remember the 55000 or so aircrew that died and not any particular operation ordered by the WC (see what I did there ) On the British side yes ,twas the highest percentage loss of fighting personnel , just under 50% of the total wartime aircrew strength were lost from BC from the top of me bonce. Only the uboat crews lost a higher percentage of their overall total fighting force 75% or so???

Good old antagonistic press eh....

Kinda like the Japanese wanting the US to apologize for dropping the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. I guess we should feel guilty for winning, maybe (by today's PC standards) we hurt their feelings by making them lose? Did we damage their self-esteem? ticks me off when people do crap like that.

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