Sorry N-6-0-0-X-L has been translated by the forum to be N60
This information from
G1 > Colunistas > Entrelinhas
Control of Air traffic
At 15:51 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), there was the last bilateral contact of N60
L with the Brasília Center. (Freq. 125.05 MHz)
At 15:55 o'clock, N60
L flew over the vertical of VOR of Brasília, maintaining the level of flight 370 and entering in the airway UZ6, without to request or to receive any instruction of the Brasília Center.
At 16:02 o'clock, there was the loss of information of the secondary radar with N60
L, that introduces to the controller, accurately, the altitude information.
Among 15:51 (schedule of Brasília) and 16:26 (schedule of Brasília), there was not any contact attempt, nor on the part of N60
L, nor on the part of the Brasília Center.
At 16:30 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) there was momentary loss (2 minutes) of the contact primary radar with N60
L, that transmits to the controller the geographical position of the aircraft.
Starting from the 16:26 (schedule of Brasília), the BR Center accomplished seven calls:
At 16:38 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) the Brasília Center lost the contact primary radar definitively with N60
L, until it transfer for the Amazonian Center.
At 16h53min39 (schedule of Brasília), the Brasília Center made the last call, blindly, informing N60
L to call the Amazonian Center, supplying two frequencies: 123.32Mhz and alternative 126.45Mhz.
Flight of N60
L, at 16h48min16 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), it began a series of 12 calls to the Brasília Center:
At 16h53min39 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), N60
L got to hear Brasília's Center last call, blindly, guiding to call the Amazonian Center, without getting to copy the frequencies.
At 16h53min57 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), N60
L answered to the Brasília Center asking so that they were repeated the decimals of the first informed frequency, because he didn't get to copy them. The Center didn't receive this message.
After this moment, N60
L accomplished more seven calls to the Brasília Center:
At 16h56min54 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) it happens the collision.
General Considerations
Not happened any loss of contact radar for the Amazonian Center with the flight 1907, until it transfer for the Brasília Center.
There are no request registrations of N60
L to the control organs, to accomplish level change, after having reached the level of flight 370.
There are no registrations of any instruction of the control to N60
L, in the sense that level changes were accomplished, after the last contact bilateral good happened between that aircraft and the Brasília Center.
The aircrafts were, in the airway UZ6, in opposite directions, in the level of flight 370.
The system TCAS (System embarked to avoid Collision in Flight), existent in both aircrafts, it didn't emit any warning of alert of traffic or of instruction for evasive action, for the respective crews, in the sense of avoiding the collision.
There was not manifestation, for none of the crews, regarding a possible previous visual perception of the approach of the aircrafts.
It didn't happen any action attempt or it maneuvers evasive, in agreement with the existent data in the flight tape recorders.
At 16h56min54 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) there was a COLLISION, possibly, between the left wing of N60
L and the left wing of the flight 1907.
The flight 1907, after the collision, was uncontrollable to the pilots, beginning immediate dive until the soil.
The tape recorders of flight data (CVR and DFDR) of the flight 1907 had it operation interrupted to 7887ft of altitude.
After this moment, N60
L accomplished 09 (nine) calls to the Brasília Center:
At 16h59min50 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), approximately three minutes after the collision, the Amazonian Center started to receive information of the secondary radar, with precise altitude needs and identification code allocated N60
At 17h00min30 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), the Amazonian Center accomplished a call to N60
L, without obtaining answer.
At 17h01min22 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) N60
L tried to establish communication with the Amazonian Center, through the Polar 71, requesting coordination to accomplish a landing in Test Field Brig. Veloso.
At 17h02min10 o'clock (schedule of Brasília), the Amazonian Center started to receive information of the secondary radar, originating from of the change of the code transponder of N60
L, for 7700 (EMERGENCY).
At 17h03min11 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) N60
L, after the collision, declared EMERGENCY, without getting communication with the Brasília Center, and it began procedures to accomplish an emergency landing.
The Amazonian Center accomplished more four calls to N60
L, without obtaining answer:
At 17h13min16 o'clock (schedule of Brasília) the Polar 71 established communication with the Amazonian Center declaring the situation of EMERGENCY of N60
Accomplished actions
Recovery of the data of the registrars of flight of N60
L and of the flight 1907.
Interviews and medical examinations with the crew members of Legacy. (02/10)
All requested the data registered by the Control of Air traffic, relative the occurrence. (02/10)
Tests preliminaries of equipments in the Legacy (07/10/06).
Verification of the wreckage of the 737-800, in the place of the accident.
Reading and processing of the data of the flight registrars, of both aircrafts, except the voice registrar (CVR), of the flight 1907, in TSB Ottawa, Canada.
Preliminary analysis of the recordings and transcriptions of the communications between the aircrafts and control organs.
Verification of the equipments of the wreckage of the flight 1907.
Send of the voice registrar (CVR) of the flight 1907 for the Laboratory of TSB, Ottawa, Canada.
Verification of the data, relative the visualization radar, registered by the organs of control of the air space, with works accomplished in the dependences of CINDACTA 1, in Brasília, and in the dependences of CINDACTA 4, in Manaus.
Next actions
Analyses of the equipments of radio and navigation, communication, transponder and TCAS, of the aircrafts, they be accomplished at laboratory.
Interviews with the controllers of Air traffic.
Relative works to the air traffic, they be accomplished in the USA, to invitation of FAA, for analysis, among other subjects, of the norms and prerequisites for American pilots fly in the exterior.
Works and interviews with the operators.
Summarize of the current situation
Collects of data still given no completed and initiate analyses for focal points, among other, related the:
Operation of Transponder and equipments of radio and navigation of the aircraft N60
Knowledge and preparation foreseen the pilots of N60
L, for the accomplishment of the flight in Brazil;
Relative aspects to norms and procedures of the Control of Air traffic, now in use in Brazil and in the world;
Systems and equipments of communications and system of surveillance of the Control of Air traffic.
In the moment, any conclusion will be premature
Recommendations can be emitted, before the final conclusion of the investigation process.
Data factuals and recommendations of flight safety, will be informed to the public.