Breakdown of Luftwaffe losses July 1940-June 1941

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 30, 2012
Chicagoland Area losses balkans 1941&f=false
David Stahel's book on Barbarossa claims that from August 1940-June 1941 the LW lost 3700 aircraft, which when you add in the July 1940 Kanalkampf we are probably closer to 3800. Does anyone have a breakdown of what types of aircraft were lost? I'm assuming that's only written off aircraft, as the writeoffs for the BoB and Blitz together were about 2260 aircraft, Crete around 300-400, Yugoslavia around 70, and I'm not sure what else besides that. I'm assuming there were some flying accidents that drove up numbers too. Any ideas?
You can get an idea of the different numbers for different types lost. The data for your entire period is probably available, but as an example, for the period covering the Battles of France and Britain (May to September 1940) Luftwaffe losses were (to all operational causes):

S/E fighters 682

T/E fighters 329

Bombers 1,042

Dive Bombers 182

Transports 210

Coastal 103


Surprisingly low considering intensity of combat in Norway, France and over English Channel plus training losses. However it still amounts to about 30% of Ju-87s produced during 1940.

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