Brisbane Valley Airshow 2016

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland
My Son and I went along to the Brisbane Valley airshow held at the Watts Bridge airfield on Sunday. Although we don't get the mass amounts of warbirds you guys overseas get, it was a very enjoyable day with some unique aircraft to entertain the crowd. 8 hours in the blazing hot sun takes its toll though...
A nice "Bird dog"
Good stuff Andy. I'd love to have that Dakota truck / caravan !!
You'll have to do a trade with your "tin tent" terry!
I'm thinking perhaps it is an extended exhaust pipe. The photo from the rear shows it is hollow. Length of pipe to carry the fumes past the less than airtight cabin?
It looks like exhaust to me as well. We sat right in front of it all day and I never even noticed it until now!
Next is an equally nice DH.60 Moth
Thanks guys. Up next is ex-Reno racer Yak-3U "Steadfast", man what a beast! The pilot did an excellent display with some equally impressive smoke generators which after a few moments turn into smoke rings. The kids loved it.


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