Britain WWII AA Gun Radar Public manuals - operator and maintenance manuals government public FREE released

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Senior Airman
Mar 26, 2022
Britain AA-3 Gun Radar Public manual - operator and maintenance manuals government public released.
Frequency 2.750–2.855 GHz
PRF 420
Beamwidth ~8 degrees
Range 32,000 yards maximum, 27,000 yards against a light bomber
Precision ±25 yards, ±1/6th degree at 32,000 yards
This document was generated by Colin Hinson, from a Crown copyright document held at R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum. It is presented here (for free) under the Open Government Licence (O.G.L.) and this version of the document is Colin Hinson's copyright (along with the Crown Copyright) in much the same way as a photograph would be. The document should have been downloaded from his website Radar
Please download the following 2 pdf attachments:


  • RadarAA3mkVa.pdf
    45.9 MB · Views: 68
  • GLMk.IIIradar-Wikipedia.pdf
    675.9 KB · Views: 63
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Britain AA-1 Gun Radar Public manual - operator and maintenance manuals government public released.

Introduced late 1941
Type AA direction
Frequency 54.5 to 85.7 MHz
PRF 1 to 2.5 kHz
Pulsewidth 1 to 1.2 µs
Range 50,000 yards detection 30,000 yards tracking 14,000 yards gun direction
Azimuth ±20° from current bearing
Elevation 15–45°
Precision 50 m in range, under 0.5° directionally
Power 150 kW
Other Names Radar, Anti-Aircraft No. 1, Mk. 2

This document was generated by Colin Hinson, from a Crown copyright document held at R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum. It is presented here (for free) under the Open Government Licence (O.G.L.) and this version of the document is Colin Hinson's copyright (along with the Crown Copyright) in much the same way as a photograph would be. The document should have been downloaded from his website Radar
Please download the following 3 pdf attachments:


  • RadarAA1mkII.pdf
    10.5 MB · Views: 68
  • Signal_generator_Misc_manual.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 60
  • GLMk.Iradar-Wikipedia.pdf
    638.1 KB · Views: 59
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