Great thread everyone! With my interest in first generation jets of all nations, the information provided has been really interesting. And very true: Sir Frank Whittle deserves much greater recognition for his pioneering work. Sorry I don't have any further historical or tech knowledge to add, but the OP started off with asking about a jet for the Battle of Britian. Jet engines aside, does anyone have any info on a secret British jet fighter project that would have been combat ready by 1940? The earliest Jet fighter project was the Heinkel He 280, which started off on January 4th, 1939, and did not fly under pure jet power until March 30th 1941. Not intending to stick it to the Me 262 fans, but, this was weeks before the 262 even got off the ground ( barely, I might add) with a Junkers piston engine in the nose. Aside from the already operating nose wheel ( the 262 being a tail dragger), and the working ejection seat, it was a fairly conventional deign. The He S8 turbines fitted were as temperamental as any other prototype jet engine, and ultimately resulted in the project running out of time to prove itself. There have been a number of 'What ifs'" about this plane being combat ready by 1943, but it was never going to happen, and I can see the same drawbacks mirrored in a parallel British programme. Jets needed a few more years to iron the bugs out.