Camo on Do 215B-5, II./NJG2 first half of 1942 ?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011

Some of you know my future projects for GB#49. One of these is D 215B-5 supposedly flown by Helmut Lent during May/June 1942. Here is a well known photo found on the web

The camo seems to be hard to define for the uppersurfaces and was often debated. I read several possibilities: RLM74/75/76, RLM22/77 (or 76) uppersurfaces and RLM76 undersurfaces and others...
If I'm not mistaken, it seems that the Do 17/215s were painted in only two camo scheme in that period: RLM70/71/65 or RLM22 (night fighter).
So, what are the possibilities regarding the camo of this specific bird ?
- Blotches of RLM74/75 uppersurfaces and RLM76 or 65 undersurfaces repainted in the unit over the standard RLM70/71/65
- Standard RLM70/71/65 with blotches of "I don't know what" (RLM02 or RLM76) on uppersurfaces ???
- Overall standard RLM22 repainted with RLM76 or 65 on lower surface with blotches of RLM76 or RLM77 or RLM02 or ? on upper surface...?

Any suggestions or opinions appreciated. :)
TIA, regards

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Thank you for your replies :)
There is something unusual in the painting that it makes me think it was repainted in the unit. Demarcation with waves between upper surface and lower surface, the demarcation in the RLM70/71/65 camo scheme was straight. No light color under the engine cover (air intake).
A very interesting question Steph. I have no prior knowledge and am only guessing but my thinking is that the basic upper 70/71 was retained and supplemented with waves and/or blotches of 75 and maybe 02. Bottom standard 65 replaced with 76 with wavy demarcation.

Whatever you chose, I'm sure it will look great.
As you say Andy and as George suggests it, I think very possible or probable option with, at least, three tone camo: "Standard RLM70/71 with blotches of RLM02 and/or RLM75 on upper surface, with RLM76 repainted on lower surface. But I think possible also an overall standard RLM22 repainted with blotches of RLM02 or/and RLM75 on upper surface with RLM76 on lower surface with wavy demarcation.
Other little detail I noticed, it seems that the nose was a replacement part (clearly visible in George's post, post #4) or here in larger

It seems there are some examples of Do 215B-5 arrived in II./NJ2 with RLM22 camo scheme and then repainted with blotches between may and June 1942. It's possible that Paul Gildner's aircraft belonging to 5./NJG2, but still coded G9+NM which came from 4./NJ1 flown during Spring 1942 is an example... :oops:
I keep searching and told the question at LRG hoping to get things done...
I don't have any reply for the moment but finally my project will not be this one... A friend of mine sent to me some informations about Lent's logbook and it appears that he achieved only 3 victories with Do 215B-5 but none with R4+DC. R4+DC was frequently flown by Oblt Ludwing Becker; most of victories claimed by H. Lent at the period when he was GruppenKommandeur II./NJG2 were with Bf 110s.

Here is a reply and, in fact, I think it's the good one:
"The blotches may be RLM02. However, there are many parameters which determine how a certain colour will be represented on the specific film type and conditions when the photo was captured that being 100% confident on a specific colour's use may be impossible."

It comforts me in the idea of giving up this project ... So, I sell my model kit (+add on) :rolleyes::lol:
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- Standard RLM70/71/65 with blotches of "I don't know what" (RLM02 or RLM76) on uppersurfaces ???

This seems logical,... its RLM 02 Grey-green blotches over standard Do215 camo.....if in doubt keep it simple, :)

RLM 02 was used as upper surface camo around this period (and on Wittgenstein Russian Ju88C-6 with radar from my colour analysis), also it looks far to dark for RLM 76 in that photo, and as RLM 02 been a standard maintenance colour it was readily available.

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