Can I airbrush Winsor & Newton Galeria varnish

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
I have never found a Matt water based varnish I like and I am trying out the Galeria. It's nicely matt but I am finding it awkward to get an even brush mark free finish.

So can I airbrush it or what is the technique of hand brushing to avoid streaks but not go on so thick it obscures details
It can probably be thinned with water sufficiently to allow it be used in the airbrush. You'd need to do some trials to achieve the desired thinning ratio, but as a guide, I normally thin my matt acrylic varnish at roughly 50/50. to 60% water to varnish ratio. If it seems OK, try it out on a "hack" first, before committing to a model.
Alternatively, you could try the type I use, which works very well. This is the Vallejo Matt Acrylic Varnish, and it sprays very nicely, giving an even coat over enamels.
It's readily available in the UK ( I got my first, small bottle from Model Hobbies, which has lasted a couple of years so far ) and comes in 60ml and 500ml bottles, the latter being more cost effective.


I was looking at that this morning. I will order a small bottle and try it out.
According to opinions posted here in Poland it is a very fine varnish. It can be applied with a brush. In the case it should be applied on horyzontally laying surface with a wide brush of a very soft bristle. The movement of the brush has to be regular. It is better to apply two thinner coats than one thick layer. It reguires a couple of hours to dry. It is suggested that the tools should be cleand immediately after finishing of painting.
.....Galeria works well for me. I usually just fill the airbrush cup (more or less) and add a brush load or two of water to thin. Sprays beautifully. I also use it for exhaust staining and such like - just add a brush or two of acrylic black or brown or both to the cup along with the varnish and water..

Here's the old Frog Ta 152 varnished with Galeria

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I've only just seen this, but when I want a really flat (matt) finish I use the W&N Galeria matt varnish. Unlike some I could mention it does give a very matt finish.

W&N recommend thinning no more than 20% with water if you want to spray the varnish. I've read people who try to thin it with IPA or even cellulose (lacquer) thinners and then complain they have had problems! What they've had is some chemical reactions that the manufacturers could not possibly foresee.

I thin roughly 4:1 varnish to thinners, as suggested, and it always sprays beautifully. It is my experience that it dries rather sooner than the 24 hours that W&N say, but I have never needed a second coat anyway.

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