can my what if zwiling fly well?

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aurelien wolff

Airman 1st Class
Sep 20, 2018
Hello,I want to do a model of something I call the do 635(basically two Do 335 in a zwiling way with FuG 218 antenna in the central wing section and two X4 under the wing),I want to do him as a three seater (one basic do 335 fuselage on one side and the other will be a A12 fuselage). I want to know if this would have work in real life:

thanks for your answer and sorry for my english,I'm french.
Junkers and Heinkel was working with Dornier on a proposed Do635 (project 1075.01-21) for a high-speed photo recon platform. It was to have a crew of two and equipped with Rb50 cameras.

The V1 scale model that was wind tunnel tested showed great promise but development came to a stop in February 1945.

Because of Junker's involvement, the project is sometimes referred to as the Ju635.

Diagram is from Luft46
The drawing doesn't make sense. There is no place to attach the center wheel.
The Do635/Ju635 was to have three main gear and two nose gear. The third maingear was to have extended from the middle of the central wing section, the wheel well being situated between two internal fuel tanks.

Here's a much clearer diagram of the project. The Luft'46 drawing (posted above) is not nearly the same quality.

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