Can we model WW2 aircraft performance?

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cherry blossom

Senior Airman
Apr 23, 2007
While reading the thread on World War II Aircraft New Production, I decided to ask if anyone knows whether we can now calculate the performance of a WW2 aircraft (we being something like these guys at BraunschweigDLR Portal - C²A²S²E - Aircraft from the computer). Clearly we need to know the design of the aircraft in detail as we would if we were going to build it. That would be no problem for a Bf-109F4 or a Ki-84 Hayate but might be hard for a Bloch MB-157 (to name three aircraft whose performance inspires long threads). We would also like the engine power or the thrust from the propeller and exhaust stubs but being able to calculate performance at a known thrust would simplify the debates. Obviously we would also like to model the handling including turn and rate of roll.
Several members provide such simulated info, like Henning (Hohun). See for instance the D.XXI thread, where Henning made simulations of speed, turnrate and climb rate of this a/c and compared it to others.

From the thread:



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