"Canada First" Defence Procurement

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Nonskimmer said:
About your lack of respect for the military; is it because you find the state of things embarrassing, or because you have little respect for service personnel in general? I'm wondering if I should take it personally or not. :-k

Don't worry, I respect service personnel. But as I stated many times earlier, our equipment is so cheap, that if we were not allied to the US any crappy African militia could crush the Canadian Army.

Nonskimmer said:
By the way, it isn't HCMS, it's HMCS for Her Majesty's Canadian Ship/Submarine. The official French acronym is NCSM for "Navire canadien de Sa Majesté".

Oh... I thought HCMS because "Her Canadian Majesty's Service" sounded better for me. But if you say it is HMCS then, I won't argue.
Maestro said:
...as I stated many times earlier, our equipment is so cheap, that if we were not allied to the US any crappy African militia could crush the Canadian Army.
Oh c'mon now, we're not that bad. I wish people wouldn't think that every bit of equipment we have is crap. Admittedly a lot of it could really use replacing, but Jesus Christ...African militias? :lol:

There is a little something to be said for training and mindset too y'know. Believe it or not Maestro, we're not the worst in the world. :lol:
Nonskimmer said:
Oh c'mon now, we're not that bad. I wish people wouldn't think that every bit of equipment we have is crap. Admittedly a lot of it could really use replacing, but Jesus Christ...African militias? :lol:

There is a little something to be said for training and mindset too y'know. Believe it or not Maestro, we're not the worst in the world. :lol:

Now thats what I am talking about!!!!!!!!!!! Wayne sticking up for our Military. Sweet:lol:
Nonskimmer said:
Oh c'mon now, we're not that bad. I wish people wouldn't think that every bit of equipment we have is crap. Admittedly a lot of it could really use replacing, but Jesus Christ...African militias? :lol:


I'm with ya', the Africans wouldn't stand a chance against a Canadian winter. Be like watching the poor man's version of the Wermacht disappearing in front of Moscow.

Besides, Africans are tribal, Candians are well...for Canada. For the most part (except for that odd bunch over in Quebec).

Speaking of Quebec, they still at "it"? Just curious. You don't hear much of it since the big vote a dozen or so years ago but I figure it's bound to come up now and again.
Yes, they're still at "it". "It" never went away.

I am not getting involved in yet another Québec separation thread. #-o
If someone wants to start one up in the Politics forum feel free, but not here please.
Nonskimmer said:
Yes, they're still at "it". "It" never went away.

I am not getting involved in yet another Québec separation thread. #-o
If someone wants to start one up in the Politics forum feel free, but not here please.

Well then lets talk about the SPA then ;)
Sorry guys, didn't want to jump in on it. I think Canada is much better off together than with a seperated province. As they said about South Carolina when it succeeded from the US in the civil war, "It's too small for a country and too large for an insane asylum".

Hope they snap out of it but doubt they will.
The French military is one of the most powerful in the world, on paper. But France had the largest army in Europe, which would translate to the most powerful, in 1940...

I don't think it would be wise to compare Canada with countries like Great Britain, U.S.A, France and Russia. These countries all own and operate aircraft carriers which instantly makes them superior to the Canadian Navy in the object of projection of power.

There's three things that create a power, the aircraft carrier, tank and air force. Canada has two out of the three, but not in large numbers and not up to date. It's not a super-power and doesn't claim to be.

The Canadians are trained just as good as any other military in the world. The military equipment Canada operates is for small scale conflict and supporting arms.

Basically, while this may sound stupid, you can could create a league of military power and there'd be several divisions where each status of power was placed. For example, U.S.A would be in League One (Super-Power) whereas Somalia would be in League Five (No National Military). Most Western Nations would be in League Two (Power), with effective armoured units and effective air force, but no real projection of naval power because they lack the aircraft carrier. I'd say Canada would be in League Two or Three ... I don't know the state of Canada's armoured force to put a solid idea, but ... the point of this pathetic rant is , Canada can't be compared to the Super-Powers ... but should be compared to the other powers in it's own "division" ... and it's superior to the African militias ... who don't own tanks, planes or heavy weapons.
Like Plan_D indicated boys, we're hardly a superpower, and he's quite right of course. We should, however, be able to at least adequately defend our own borders by ourselves. That's the key here, and we can't really even do that. Yet we want to be out there on the world stage with the big boys. Ridiculous under the circumstances. We need to concentrate our meager resources where they belong: home defence. As I've said in the past, I'm really surprised that we're still in NATO, given what we don't bring to the party. World coalitions are beyond our scope. We haven't got the manpower or, as of yet, enough properly updated equipment.
Nonskimmer said:
We should, however, be able to at least adequately defend our own borders by ourselves.

Gotta cut yourselves some slack there. We have something like 10 times the population and can't even defend one border south of us. And you guys have a lot more border to cover.

The solution for Canada is to arm Polar bears. What they hell, they're out there anyway...:)
timshatz said:
The solution for Canada is to arm Polar bears. What they hell, they're out there anyway...:)
Yeah, we already tried that. It didn't work out too well. :-k


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Well the only reason it didn't work was because the polar bear eats seals and supplying rations was tough and well you know how everyone feels about seal hunt
Let's face it gents. If some fool of a nation spooled up on Canada, you would have 350 million pissed off friends below the border. I only wish our politicians could establish a more focused path towards our mutual defense based upon our common security needs. Our militaries are actually well synched up.
Most of it is political in nature. I have never heard anyone in the lower 48 badmouth Canada. It may happen further north, but the opinion far and away is that Canada is a good neighbor. No problems more than the odd pissing match for the last 200 years.

Most countries in the world have a long history of fighting with their closest neighbors. Not the case on our common border.

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