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Will do my best old chap....with all you guys help, how can I fail? 8) Just need some decent cockpit pics.

Edit: Found this cockpit from an Hypescale build, it's the CA's me at least some colous to work on.


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That's more or less right Jan, although there were differences between bomber/PR/Intruder, and the control column yoke should be more semi gloss black, with a bit of paint wear all around. As mentioned in our phone chat, I'll try and get some cockpit shots for you, unless Gary (GeeDee) can do us a favour at Cockpit Fest this year? I doubt I'll be able to get there if my Jeep is sold.
BTW, Harriers were going for around £7,500, delivered, by air (!), at a little extra. These were GR3's. The Jaguars were around the same price, less engines and avionics I believe. A Jaguar has just 'gone' on E-Bay for £15K. The guy I used to do the Corporate Days for was going to buy a couple of each, but left it too late, as he was also bidding for more armoured vehicles.
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Riiight.....after a lengthy debate on wire with Terry, I've decided to do as follow:

Canberra PR.9, No. 13 Squadron.
Canberra B.2/B.20/B.65/B(I)6, No. 213 Squadron, Bruggen, Germany, 1969.
Canberra B(I)8, still do be decided.

True old chap. I can do either of two things,

1. I take the Canberra with me to the pub and do the decals there.
2. I take the pint/dram with me home.
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Oh well, let's buy a couple of Jags and a GR3 and start our own little COIN airforce for hire to the nearest South American Despot

... and delivered by air - that would churn up the lawn a bit, wouldn't it ?

BTW 2 Questions Mr Airframe !!

1. What do you do for a living please might I ask ?

2. How much for a Sea Harrier FA2 (aka FRS2 which sounded a lot better imho)
Hi Cromwell. To answer your second question first, I'm not sure if the MoD released the Sea Harriers for disposal by tender through the normal invited/registered 'buyers' channels, but I'll try to find out. The Harrier GR3's went at such a relatively low cost because they were old airframes, having been in service for over 30 years!
For a living? Regretably, I'm 'retired' due to disability. However, at one time I was in the military (SF), followed by a career in the photographic and printing trade. After redundancy, and at 'that age' where finding another, equivalent full-time job is near impossible, I started a small business to market my Avaition paintings, drawings and profiles etc. This was seriously affected by a certain high-street framing company going t*ts up, owing me a fair amount of money, and followed soon after by the crippling effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Until just over a year ago, I was involved in military themed Corporate Entertainment days, and similar events, including S.A.S. 'experience' and 'survival' weekends, and also did some after dinner talks, and lectures/demonstrations on small arms. The former I had to cease, as the Arthritis progresed, but the latter I still manage to do occasionally, and, fortunately, I am still able to paint and draw, albeit with greater difficulty.
Hope that answers things?

Yes that is a full and interesting answer indeed.

I am so sorry to hear about your struggles komrad, so please read the following In Detail !!!

Health : I have had issues for many years but found the Watercure regime VERY EFFECTIVE - I am not joking. PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY friend !

Water Cure 2

I also use Activite - Collagen Hydrolysate by any other name - which works Really Well too - go take a look please for your sake !

Arthrovite - Home Page

NB: this is NOT B/S - I too have struggled with action injuries [including a badly smashed elbow, nose and knee]

I also do these Exercises too each day which also Really Help

Power Fitness

Even with joint problems you can try and have a go at these a little bit each day.

Please please please do take note of the above - it really is not b/s it honestly helps.

Thanks Mathew. I do try to take various exercises, in order to keep things 'moving' as it were. I have tried virtually everything going, and will never 'poo poo' any suggestions, if they have even the slightest chance of helping. This condition, now 'officially' recognised as a 'disease', is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and is particularly hard to accept (or was) having been so supremely fit and active up the the age of 45, when it first struck. Almost cetainly as a result of past injuries and jungle infections, BTW.
It has progressed so muvh over the last year or so, that my Specialist Consultant has finally been able to gain approval to prescribe the new 'wonder drug', Humira, which is self-injected every two weeks. this is so expensive, at around £12,000 PA I believe, that the 'Powers that Be' will only authorise it, or so it seems, as a last resort.
Fortunately, after using it now for 2 months, it seems to be taking effect, and it's not so difficult, or agonisingly painful, to get around, although, of course, the damage already done will never repair itself. I'll still have a permanently locked right knee, and my left hand will still only function at about 30%, or less, being totally inflexible (volunatrily) in the fingers, with my right hand being about 90 to 95% 'normal'. But, I'm still alive, and (almost) kicking, and otherwise healthy.
There are a heck of a lot of people worse off than me, so I can't complain, but it would be nice to be able to walk in the hills again.

Please go back and look at Water Cure 2 and also look at Collagen Hydrolysate

There are people on the Watercure site who can help you - it is part of why we all get ill, honestly.

Also : Collagen Hyrdolysate can actually help re-build cartilage - no joke
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Excuse me Cromwell,but now I would like to ask you a question.
Are you going to contribute here or you want to sell exercises or something like that? For your reiminder advertising and trading here is forbiden and punished by banning.
Excuse me Cromwell,but now I would like to ask you a question.

Are you going to contribute here or you want to sell exercises or something like that? For your reiminder advertising and trading here is forbiden and punished by banning.

You have mis-read me

I am NOT advertising - This stuff is ALL FREE (pretty much) - and also these sites are NOT mine, they are in the public domain, that is all.

NB: I was trying to help Airframe with his profound and unfortunate struggles

I was only sharing what worked with me, having had similar problems.

Sustained Physical Pain is a terrible thing and I wanted to help out, that is all
For a such help you can use the Private Message option.And I would suggest it very much. This thread is for Lucky13's Canberra model and all infos on that are appreciated here the most but hi-jacking rather not.Please think it over.
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For a such help you can use the Private Maessage option.And I would suggest it very much. This thread is for Lucky13's Canberra model and all infos on that are appreciated here the most but hi-jacking rather not.Please think it over.

Fair comment - I think what happened was that I was chatting with Airframes and one thing led to another re health and background

So ... anyhow, from now on it is happy Canberra Modelling for all
Chatting is nothing wrong even here on the forum but provided that it is concerning a thread.What is more I doubt Airframes would like to fall into a public debate about his helath problems. I'm still encouraging you in using PMs.That's all.
To get back on track about that Canberras (no harm done though ), I've found that Model Alliance have quite a few sets for different versions....8) Xtradecals have a some as well.
Airfix comes with the decals for a No. 213 Squadron in Germany in '69 as already mentioned, WT319, will see if I can swap that for another airframe, WT313, if there ever was one....


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