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The only way in was through the open front....and then out when the ground crew opened up on landing, as you say, certainly not for the claustrophobic !. I did get inside one of the 'pits and I have to say that the heat was stifling even with the access doors open and that was without all the electrics humming away !.

It looks like at least he got sit on a bang seat...judging by the handle at the front of the seat pan, but I have no idea if he would go up ...or down !. I would not even consider sitting in the front of one those beasts unless I had complete and utter confidence in the dude doing the driving !.
Great stuff Gary, thanks!
Jan, do the instructions say which bay doors are for which period? If not, you should be able to work it out from the diagrams and drawings in the link I sent you. AFAIK, the bay doors were interchangeable depending on the package - and the linescan, and ultimately digital PR/surveillance/survey kit would be from the late 60's, the 70's and the latest deployments, up to 2006 (I think that was the last, anyway.) I'd need to see the instruction sheet and the diagrams of the 'wet' fit to advise further though. The overall equipment fit, specific to task, would determine which packs were fitted, and therefore which bay doors were used, if this makes sense!!??
The bottom one is for a machine based at Wyton in September '63.... So I think that I'll use that one for my 13 squadron photo bird as well, or? :oops: :lol:
That confirms what I was thinking about the two bays then Jan. The bottom one is the 'wet' bay (film cameras) from the original fit, and I presume the top one is the later pattern, with the 'window' apertures for linescan/IR and digital and EIG equipment. I think you should be OK to go with your choice for that period. Of course, I could possibly get exact info if I asked Sir brother in law!
Now now, remember what the Doctors told you, it's not good for you getting agitated, especially at your time of life. Don't forget now, take your meidicarion on time, and don't be looking too long at those young ladies, it could bring on another one of those attacks.
Ah! Like those Binbrook-based ones used in the movie 'Billion Dollar Brain', or whatever it was called! They actually looked 'Russianish'!!

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