Cat Picture/Video Thread

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
With the internet created for the purpose of spreading videos of cats (and to an extent, large fuzzy dogs, like huskies and malamutes), we should create such a thread here.
Little known fact: TIE Pilots like cats :thumbleft:

I do currently have three cats (momma and her two adult sons) and I recently lost one, "Booshy", who passed away a month ago.
Booshy is short for "Bushido" and he was a fighter, driving off a Coyote attack as well as turning the tables on a Great Horned Owl attack, killing it in the process.

And it looked like Bushido-san was wearing a "Kabuto" (war helmet), too!

I miss him greatly :(

I do currently have three cats (momma and her two adult sons) and I recently lost one, "Booshy", who passed away a month ago.
Booshy is short for "Bushido" and he was a fighter, driving off a Coyote attack as well as turning the tables on a Great Horned Owl attack, killing it in the process.
Cats are quite bold for their little size.

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