Cherkassy/Korsun Pocket, January-February 1944?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Since this forum doesn't have a dedicated BOOK subforum I put this here....being books/magazines!
Being one that sometimes finds inspiration for builds from what I see or read in books, I've been curious about these two books. Even though different in name, Cherkassy and Korsun is the same battle.
Has anyone read either or both of theses books, which is the better one? They're 320 and 370 pages, can't remember which is which....
Being one that's also interested in 5th SS Div. Wiking and 11th SS Div. Nordland I thought that it could be an interesting read, since Wiking was trapped in this pocket....

The Korsun Pocket: The Encirclement and Breakout of a German Army in the East, 1944 by Niklas Zetterling and Anders Frankson
Hell's Gate: The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket, January-February 1944 by Douglas E. Nash

I bought both these books for my father and I'm now at his place so I'm able to take a look. Although I have not read either one, I can offer these very general observations:

Both deal with the same series of events in early 1944. The book by Nash is the larger one, with 370 pages and another 30 pages of appendicies. My Dad can't really recall whether one is better than the other but from my observations flipping through both, it appears the Nash book has more illustrations as well as text and seems to be the better book. There are many index references to the 5th and 11th SS Divsions in the index.

Not much I can offer but hope this helps a bit.
if you want to study more on one the stupidest encirclements known in WW 2 then try and find this : Der Kessel von Tscherkassy.

documented and maps throughout, this is a very old title produced by the 5th W-SS Kameradschaft, another Munin-Verlag title and I am assuming every book that has tried to research the true account of the beleaguered German forces has used this important book as a reference if not then it does not walk the walk
Cheers lads, very much appreciated!
As you already know, I want to know more about Wiking, the Cherkassy/Korsun pocket and the Nordland and their Tannenberg line - Courland pocket and so on, so all suggestions are welcome!
It's a shame sometimes that I don't French/German as much as I do English...

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