China is Selling Autonomous Drones to Middle East Nations

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
These drones appear to be fully autonomous and can make the decision to kill without human input
URL: China is selling autonomous killer drones

I just hope we don't have some kind of autonomous drone arms race -- if so, we're all doomed. It doesn't matter what country will win the race, because humanity will lose. I don't think all A.I. is bad, but there is worry when you're talking about A.I. that's designed explicitly to kill.
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Shield vs sword struggle is ongoing and we probably can expect more focus on ECM up to the "re-programming" of those drones in flight.
But the drone arms race is inevitable, in my opinion. I wonder was there any example of stopping arms race in human history - before the tragedy happened (as with WMD)...
But the drone arms race is inevitable, in my opinion. I wonder was there any example of stopping arms race in human history - before the tragedy happened (as with WMD)...
We're going to have to, reasonably speaking, if we are to survive as a species.
Were not they planning to launch an experimental huge mirror satellite to reflect the sunray to illuminate the ground in the night?
Multiple mirrors would burn a city more than illuminating.
Were not they planning to launch an experimental huge mirror satellite to reflect the sunray to illuminate the ground in the night?
Multiple mirrors would burn a city more than illuminating.
Hermann Oberth had proposed the idea of a concave mirror that would be placed in orbit above the Earth.

Maneuvering thrusters could position it so that it would focus the energy of the Sun onto a small spot, effectively allowing the means to burn out cities or troop formations.

The thing is that, while this could be built, it requires one to launch and assemble a whole bunch of components into orbit; then assembling them -- it's logistically complicated: Drones are small and could be assembled on the ground with a great deal less logistical complexity.
Sorry if I interrupted the topic. I talked about an invisible threat which seems to be visible in 2020.
"China Plans to Launch an 'Artificial Moon' to Light Up the Night Skies"


Source: 「人工の月」 2020年までに中国で宇宙に打ち上げの意向
My basic calculation is simple as an engineer to understand the future tendency.
I learnt at a solar panel lecture that relationship between the sunray intensity(solar irradiance) and the temperature rise is almost directly proportional. This makes me understand how hot it would be when the number of the suns in the sky was increased.
These drones appear to be fully autonomous and can make the decision to kill without human input
URL: China is selling autonomous killer drones

I just hope we don't have some kind of autonomous drone arms race -- if so, we're all doomed. It doesn't matter what country will win the race, because humanity will lose. I don't think all A.I. is bad, but there is worry when you're talking about A.I. that's designed explicitly to kill.

Drones will take over. Turkey's victory over Armenia/Azerbijan using their own drone technology proves this. You need only fly a tiny drone with a camera and using photogrammetry algorithms can scan in a highly accurate 3D image of everything.

When the USA (actually Joe Biden's Bill) gave 1 China most favoured nation trading status, 2 allowed US high tech firms to set up engineering, design and manufacturing into China offshoring the technology itself not just the manufacturing of it, 2 and then completely failed to protected US firms that didn't outsource from Chinese government practices such as demanding Joint Ventures factories that are merely a way of stealing IP (Intellectual Property)

Non of this should have been done without regime change, democracy and human rights of speech in China.. There were others besides Senator Biden, he was merely the stooge.

And I think USA is toast due to its media and search engine monopiles corruption of media information flow and its woke cancel culture and the resultant loss of journalists with integrity. There are 2 million agents of the Chinese government in the West with china using agents at low level that work their way up rather than specific agents targeted into key institutions.. Whether it be the co-option of the ethnic press or infiltration of tech firms.

So I expect China to gain military ascendency over the US in the next 10-20 years. The war with Russia has worsened this because Russia was leaning to the west before being driven into the arms of china.

The current President Elect has a deeply connected with creating this problem and he will not change it. Its business as usual. I expect US power to wane. My own country Australia is in severe danger as this happens as China is now boycotting our Iron Ore and agricultural produce. The problems of expansion into the South China Sea will worsen.
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