Chino 2007 album

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Excellent photo's. I haven't been able to see a real zero fly yet and to see two in formation (just wanted to say thankyou for sharing) and the P-38's, you may potentally never see that again. I do wish that I could make it out there. I'm hoping that thunder over michigan can pull off another great show again as well. I'm also debating on weather I am going to the mustang gathering or not. I'm hearing that there expecting the crowds to be huge and traffic is going to be a bear but I am just about 5 or 6 hours away so I may just do it anyway.
Thanks Jim. Yeah, Chino is really a one of a kind. I have heard that Thunder is a great show too. I was hoping to be able to get to the Mustang gathering, but that is most likely out for me. I am shooting for Reno next year, unless I get a publisher to foot the bill for the show.

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