Close Call

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Distinguished Member
B-17 Bombardier
8AF, 303bg, 360bs
Oct 13, 2017
Minnesota, USA
This was by far the worst assignment I received during my two year tenure with the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Plans were made to resurface a section of westbound track between Alida, IN and McCool Jct, IN. The work was to be done over one night. A temporary manual crossover, westbound to eastbound track, was installed. All trains were run over the east bound track. A small shack with one telegraph line was positioned at the crossover as well as a pile of railroad ties for a fire. All this was in no mans land about four miles west of Alida. The engineers of all westbound trains had received standing orders to approach the crossover with caution prepared to stop or pass over the crossing at a slow speed. I could hear each approaching freight throttle back when passing the Alida Tower. However one did not so I grabbed a red fuzee and stood close to the track. He came around the bend full speed. I popped the fuzee, the engineer set the brakes and sparks flew as the engine and a number of boxcars slid by the crossover. The engineer turned off the headlight preventing anyone on the resurfacing crew from seeing the train. They chugged back to the crossover very quietly. The engineer left the cab and joined me by the fire. He was concerned they had been seen and I said I didn't think so and my lips are sealed. A major accident and possible loss of life was avoided.
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