Calling all Old Scouts Giudes Cubs and Brownies

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Agreed Erich. Your Scout Troop should have helped you with buying the stuff that you needed or donated it to you.

Our Scout troop did that for many young Scouts whos parents were financially in a bind.

Hell our old Scout Master willed us his House at the Lake with all his boats and everythings.
Way to go Karl. Your life turned out even if you weren't in Scouts as long as you liked.

And by the way your scoutmaster sounded like a real prick. I can't remember but I suppose I probably bought the Scouthand book. But I do remember a lot of Scout hand books in the mini library the Scouts had and some of them were used but I think they would let you use them if you had to.

I made it to Life. I barely made it, since I was almost 18. I got started a little late. I don't know if I would have tried to make to Eagle if I had had more time, can't really say now. I did pick some of the easier ones to make it to Life as it was, had a lot of harder ones to go.

I suppose I can envy the "big boys," the ones who make it to Eagle, but they deserve it, since it takes a lot of work.

I have a friend from Arkansas who made it to Eagle. He's not in the army, but he's certainly a capable person and a good friend.

Anyway, a salute to all Boy Scouts, and it's good to remember the Oath, though we often forget it.

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Stitch and Erich, Guys like you are why I joined this forum! I enjoy the banter, but mostly how you support each other, and all the knowledge shared!I learn something every time I visit. -Karl
Karl that is what most of us are like. Not just old Military Hardcases. But caring people. Yes we do banter with each other. And for the life of me I can't understand why Les would put vegemite behind his ears to attract Mice. But having said that Karl. Scouts taught us to share so did the Military. And I have to agree that Scoutmaster you had needed a good boot up the backside. To even suggest to a boy to give up Scouting because of impoverish reasons. Number of time my own Troop funded the sending of Scout Manuals and Old Uniforms to Scouts in other countries just to keep those kids in Scouts. And to have some Scout Master attached to a Church no less make a distiction like he did. I am shocked and appalled Karl. But you kept the Motto and the Traditions of Scouting inside yourself despite that old prick of a ScoutMiser. I won't degnify him with the name ScoutMaster.

By the way Karl this photo is the original Vegemite that Les seems to have a fascination with, God alone knows why? Us Aussies keep telling Les it for eating not for dabbing behind your earlobes to attract mice


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Emac44, You have made my wife, Melissa very happy(No comments, please!) She was going crazy trying to guess what Veggemite was... -Karl
I am glad I pleased some one Karl. Let Melissa know that Vegemite is made form Brewers Yeast Extract. It is black in colour with a somewhat salty taste. To put it mildly its an very MUCH an AQUIRED TASTE. Vegemite is usually given to children on sandwiches or crackers with cheese. Or you can eat Vegemite on toast. It is wise thinking not to put too much Vegemite to thickly as if you are not use to it, it will feel like the skin of the back of your throat has been ripped of
We have both in NZ. Marmite is made at home using the used beer hops from Canterbury breweries, while that aussie stuff is made from vegetable extracts I think - both quite different in taste, vegemite a bit stronger, but both definitely an 'acquired taste'...
Emac,glider,A4 K, My wife says she'll skip the Vegemite experience! Sounds like when I was homeless for 7 1/2 months in 1995. I lived in a tent northwest of Phoenix, AZ until I landed a job. Lived by eating Diamondback rattlesnake and Yucca cactus root baked in the campfire.Kept me alive, but I don't recommend it!*lol*- Karl
Ugh that nasty sh!t, bad memories....

Emac said it right, it is an aquired taste.... And the only way to aquire it is to force feed it to kids when they are small... Ive known some Aussies that depised it, and they told me that very thing....

N A S T Y ..........

Sounds like Vegemite (sorry, I'm an Ami, I've never had Vegemite!) ranks right up there with castor oil and grits; had grits once, never want to have them again.
A4K, rattlesnake is better than Yucca root *grin*InTexas they have rattlesnake roundups..ifferent ways to cook them. I cook them like fried chicken or fish. after it's washed, chop it into bite size pieces, put on flour or corn meal, cook in frying pan with cooking oil. you can just put it on a BBQ gril or put the pieces on a sharppointed green stick over the same fire in which you are cooking the yucca root.Some arekind of stringy. Don't let anyone tell you it tastes like chicken! Beats being hungry! - Karl
A4k, the Apache boys I went to school with and I would ditch school and go catch trout in the river by hand.If we cooked them whole over a fire without cleaning them, we could get them eaten before the Principal caught us! Also ate Grand Daddy Long Leg spiders. pinch legs together, pull body off legs with teeth or lips. Sweet! My friends used to call them Apache Candy! All in what you get used to. Had friends in special Forces that ate worse...-Karl
Then I suggest you try eating Witchetty Grubs. I just know I haven't spelled that corectly. It like a tree worm Karl. And you eat them raw. You bite the body off the Grub behind the head. Bit hard to discribe the taste so I won't try. But it is what is called Bush Tucker and is a Native Aboriginal food. Some how I do believe at times the Aborigines may have played a joke on us Whtie Fellas at times when it comes to Bush Tucker Cruisine
I get the same idea about Sushi Les. The Japanese lost World War 2 now eat this raw fish you Arsehole to compensate for it

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