Compass "Aero"

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OK, here's the answer:

Greetings! The name of the object is "liquid compass".

There are many types from many manufacturers. In some modifications, it is used even todays. This type probably comes from a pre-WW2 Czechoslovak aircraft. NO WAY it was ever used in a German one! In some of them, they used a liquid compass marked FK 38.

It don't believe it from Czech plane! I Know exactly it from plane that was crushed in 1942. I heard enough about guns from this plane and about crosses on a part of fuselage. I know exactly that plane got 2 engine. But might be its Czech A 300. Even if its Czechoslovak aircraft was it on a German side?
Vladlenn said:
It don't believe it from Czech plane! I Know exactly it from plane that was crushed in 1942. I heard enough about guns from this plane and about crosses on a part of fuselage. I know exactly that plane got 2 engine. But might be its Czech A 300. Even if its Czechoslovak aircraft was it on a German side?
The Germans used many aircraft of the nations they conquered, this would not surprise me.
Maybe, I'll ask again on the other forum.
It was definitely NOT A CZECH plane, Czechs were fighting against Germany. It could be a SLOVAK plane, which would be basically a former Czechoslovak one (Slovaks broke up on March 15th 1939 and installed a Slovak Fascist State)...

Do you have any pictures of that aircraft?
Yeah. They wanted to make carrier aircraft from the B-534's. They also operated B-35's - and also some other Axis nations, like Bulgaria or Romania...
Hi everybody!! I'm from Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta city.
I've compass that was found in mountans conceivably at the place of crash Ju 88 A4. But as i see on the pictures of cockpit Ju 88 got another compass. One my friend say that compas from Italian bomber SM79b, but its not confirm...
Does anybody knows from what kind of airplane this compass?
Does somebody knows logo "Aero"?

100% this is a postwar czech compass.
I have an exact one with a czech Dad I played at the reverse, and a manufacturer date stamp of 1951. Is not German, was never used in a German aircraft, and is not from a German crash site
100% this is a postwar czech compass.
I have an exact one with a czech Dad I played at the reverse, and a manufacturer date stamp of 1951. Is not German, was never used in a German aircraft, and is not from a German crash site
Finally after 18 years, now we know. :)

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