Convair Model 200.

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2nd Lieutenant
Jun 23, 2006
London Ontario Canada
convair model 200 .jpg
convair model 200 .jpg
convair model 200 cockpit.jpg
Convair Model 200. 1.jpg
This figure from the 1972 Convair Model 200 proposal shows the installation and actuation of the 3BSN. On the Convair design, the rudder actuator would have been mechanically coupled to the yaw control bearing on the engine. On the X-35 and F-35, the engine swivel motors are controlled by the digital flight control system. The basic actuation scheme of the nozzle is identical to the X-35, including the loop in the fueldraulic line to accommodate the swivel motion.
I'm not much chop with project aircraft - but did Tony Stark make a model of this or something similar, although the vertical fin appears to be is missing? Ran outta glue maybe?
I think it was Iron Man 2 I was watching...

Close Up.jpg

Tony and the Jets.jpg
Thanks Grant! So no missing fin then. Cheers :thumbright:

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