Crazy's Back!

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He's breeding the race...

...C.C you know the Gestapo are on their way!
I will...then I'll annex Austria...just not on the European scale. I already have my insurgent, lanc in presence.
Scorched earth is our policy, we will give Peckham 3,000,000 pounds worth of improvement.

Why would you want to spend £3,000,000 on improvements on David Beckham for? It's his wife that needs a Face Lift

Hot Space
Ok, the drug is called spam-up, its an illegal class one drug, if the Admin catch you in possession of it you can get anything from a 2 month to 2 year ban of the site, and I know someone who can get you a batch. PM someone who is known only as "Hot Space" and he will fix you up. But beware, its pricey...

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