Culver PQ-14

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I was told that the PQ-14 originally had a HUGE generator on the back of the engine, to run all the RPV electronics.

Article in a magazine many years ago described how in the late 1940's they flew a PQ-14 from Wright Patt down to Eglin AFB to test out a new system for recording near misses, so they could see how close the pilots shooting at it were coming with their bursts. The pilot they chose to attack the PQ-14 with an F-84 was just about the most experienced guy in the USAF at shooting a drones, having done a great deal of range firing tests.

When he opened up on the PQ-14 he hit it with a very short burst. It went down into the Gulf of Mexico. The B-17 that was controlling the PQ-14 went back to Wright Patt without bothering to stop again at Eglin.

I guess they should have told him to try to miss it.

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