D-Day 2014 70th Anniversary

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Airman 1st Class
Oct 6, 2006
I'm looking at going to Normandy for the 70th anniversary . I did a quick search couldnt find any threads so I thought Id start one up .
What dates are events happening ? I heard about trying to get a large gathering of C-47s together for a paratroop drop and also an upcoming IMAX film , but me being so time poor I dont get the opportunity to look at whats happening so throw some ideas up on where I should go (I have about 10-14 days in France ) .

The C-47 event is on June 3rd, at Lee-on-Solent airfield, Hampshire, UK. It's intended to gather as many C-47s/DC-3s as possible, when the Round Canopy Display team will do a para-drop near Cherbourg.
Note there is no public access to the airfield at L-o-S, but details can be found at www.roundcanopydisplayteam.com
As far as I know, the usual military participation and commemorations from the UK will take place on the beaches, and probably a British Airborne Forces drop, on June 6th.

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