"... The Romans had a totally free hand with the Christians and look where it got them."
The Papacy - in Rome.
In other news, I think your numbers may be a trad 'dated'.
September 2011 Import Highlights: Released November 29, 2011
Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in September 2011 has been released and it shows that three countries exported more than 1,000 thousand barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 69 percent of United States crude oil imports in September while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 88 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for September were
Canada (2,324 thousand barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1,465 thousand barrels per day), Mexico (1,099 thousand barrels per day), Venezuela (759 thousand barrels per day) and Nigeria (529 thousand barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Colombia (510 thousand barrels per day), Iraq (403 thousand barrels per day), Ecuador (299 thousand barrels per day), Angola (283 thousand barrels per day) and Russia (275 thousand barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 9,006 thousand barrels per day in September, which is a decrease of (16) thousand barrels per day from August 2011.
Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in September, exporting 2,829 thousand barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2,637 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Saudi Arabia with 1,479 thousand barrels per day.
Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries)
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Country Sep-11 Aug-11 YTD 2011 Sep-10 YTD 2010
CANADA 2,324 2,240 2,157 1,937 1,971
SAUDI 1,465 1,075 1,180 1,082 1,072
MEXICO 1,099 1,150 1,113 1,108 1,132
VENEZUELA 759 806 893 919 928
Source: Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries
There are perfectly good refineries in LA - TX
sitting idle -- waiting to work. For the first time in decades, in 2012 the USA was a net
exporter of refined petroleum products - why wouldn't you want to do more? - isn't there a skilled job shortage currently?
As for "mining" shale to produce hydrocarbons, not necessary in the vast Bakken "play" located in the Dakotas, Montana and Saskatchewan. Fracking ... yes ... mining, no.
Keep warm and mobile my friend, even in Arkansas it must be getting cool at nights now