The speeds for the 'serie 5' fighters are given for 2600 rpm, meaning the DB 605(and it's Italian copies) are run with ban on 'Notleistung' (2800 rpm)?
BTW - I'd ask kind soul(s) to rectify the Wikipedia entry for the S.A.I. 207 - not 641 km/h, but 571, per above doc.
edit: actually - 575 km/h
Translation is very good, you missed a m in member
i suppose tht p.v.v. in the prop section means passo variabile in volo for google translator variable pitch i suppose missing the flying word
Thank you for the feedback
Plenty of interesting types in the datasheet book, especially the multi-engine fighter/bombers. Like the SM.91 and 92, for whom the datasheets give greater max speed than Wikipedia entries. 610 and 665 km/h respectively.