DDay Aircraft

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Jan 28, 2008

I'm in the RAF at DCAE Cosford and i'm researching the DDay aircraft, can anybody give me a list of all the RAF aircraft that flew? any links that might be useful would be appreciated! stats/pics etc.


I do not have a list but the other night I read on a web site that they flew some B-25s. I will see if I can find the info for you.

The 226th Sqdrn and 305th Polish Sqdrn were transfered to the 2nd Tactical Air Force and used in support of the invasion. If I run across anything else, I will send it your way.

I do not have a list but the other night I read on a web site that they flew some B-25s. I will see if I can find the info for you.

98sqn and 320Rnlaf flew the Mitchell heres one marked as 98sqn with Dday markings


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This will make be go mad. I will try it again. D*% it is still not working. Type the address below into the search engine. Sorry, but this machine will not let me set up the link. :confused:

The Royal Air Force operations in support of D-day

Here is a summary of what I found.

(2nd TAF)...80 squadrons...1,348 serviceable aircraft...up of 33 fighter squadrons; 18 fighter-bomber; 12 light bomber; 5 tactical reconnaissance; 5 photographic recon and 7 artillery observation. Additional RAF, Fleet Air Arm and US Navy squadrons were also under 2nd TAF...Attached to the 2nd TAF were a number of Free French Squadrons...

RAF Bomber Command committed 82 squadrons consisting of 1,681 serviceable aircraft in support of the invasion...

...No 38 Group, Allied Expeditionary Air Force and No 46 Group, RAF Transport Command were vital parts of the initial assault on the Normandy beach-head...15 squadrons...of 478 serviceable transport aircraft and 1,120 assault gliders. 38 and 46 Group were to to deliver, and then supply, the British 6th Airborne Division by parachute and glider to Drop Zones and Landing Zones in Normandy...

...169 Sqn was flying a Mosquito...

Night 5/6 June...1,012 aircraft sortied (551 Lancaster, 412 Halifax, 49 Mosquitoes), to attack 10 coastal gun batteries in the invasion area...

Night 5/6 June...Operation TAXABLE. 16 Lancasters of No 617 Squadron dropped precise Window (chaff) patternsl...Operation GLIMMER. 6 Stirlings of No 218 Squadron conducted a similar Window dropping operation to that of No 617 Sqn...Operation TITANIC...40 Hudsons, Halifaxes and Stirlings dropped dummy parachutists, rifle fire simulators... 24 Lancasters of No 101 Squadron and five B-17 Flyign Fortresses of No 214 Squadron established an Air-Borne Cigar (ABC) ground-air radio jamming and Window barrage....Over LITTLEHAMPTON 16 Stirlings of No 199 Squadron, accompanied by four 8th Air Force B-24 Liberators, established a jamming screen...

Night 5/6 June... Aboard a 75 Squadron Lancaster...

Night 5/6 June Glider Operations... Operation TONGA. The 3rd and 5th Parachute Brigade Groups dropped... 266 aircraft...Dakotas and Albemarles, were detailed to carry paratroops... 74 gliders were successfully released of which 57 landed...Altogether 611 troops were carried by glider and 493 successfully released.

...Pegasus Bridge...Halifaxes towed six Horsa gliders

D%$ machine, the link is working now. I hope this helps


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