Decals required

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Hi Guys, i'm wondering if anyone has the following book that comes with the set of decals as shown?

I would like to get the two sets marked in the red squares, especially White 1 and the victory markings, anyone have them and not going to use them?

Hope someone can help, thanks.


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Wayne, have they got to be 1/72nd scale as shown? If you need 1/48th scale, I think I've got some very close, at least the victory markings and the white numbers; not sure about the black.
EDIT: Just noticed the scale on the middle of the sheet; I had only spotted the scale on the bottom corner! I'm in the process of trying to file all those loose decals I had lying around, so I'll sort through them and scan anything that might do the job, and chuck 'em up either later tonight, or tomorrow.

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