Defensive Missile Public Historical Manuals Index Thread

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Senior Airman
Mar 26, 2022
Air Defensive Missle Historical publicly free manuals:
MIM-3 and MIM-14 Nike long range anti-aircraft missle goverment public release manuals including ipc:
Soviet SA-18 short range air defence missle operator and maintenance manual:

Public available 1970s Soviet S25 or SA1 Berkut short-to-medium-range SAM Missile Operator and Maintenance Manuals:
Public available 1970s Soviet SA2 or S75 Dvina Missile Operator and Maintenance Manuals:
Public available 1970s Soviet SA3 or S125 Neva Pechora Missile Operator and Maintenance Manuals:
Public available 1970s Soviet SA8 or 9K33 Osa Missile and related development missiles Operator and Maintenance Manuals plus a laser-guided concept:
Public available 1970s Soviet SA5 or S200 Gammon Missile plus Obsolete 1970s S225 Missile Operator and Maintenance Manual:
AIM-9D Sidewinder 1964 anti-aircraft missle goverment public release manuals including ipc:
MIM-23 Hawk Semi-active radar homing air defence missle goverment release manuals including wiring diagram:
SAGE Multi-Radar computer network system in 1959 tech manuals, including wiring diagram - the north american aerospace defense command public release:

Traditional modular radar tech manuals thread:

Public available Soviet SA4 operation and maintenance manuals, plus its development tech description - sorted out from public websites:
Last edited:
Antitank missles public-released manuals index:
US retired FGM-77 Wire command-controlled anti-tank missle operator and maintenance manual:

Army Retired AGM-22 Remote-Controlled Rocket loading and maintenance Manual:

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