Glock Perfection
I have a book upstairs of a renowned P-51 pilot that noted that his fighter protection ops of B-17s mission briefs included preventing Me-262s from entering the bomber formation prior to drop. This pilot indicated that the -262 pilots would wait until it was likely that the formation had armed the bombs just prior to target (not sure what implications that means) and the -262s would then dive into the middle of the formation targeting a single B-17 attempting to explode its bomb load and taking others with it. The pilot said he personally witnessed this occurring with the supposed loss of almost 100 men in an explosion and claimed that this send him into a rage to pursue a -262 back to its aerodrome. I'm sure I could find the book and passage, but it is not in front of me.
The veracity of this claim, I leave up to forum members. But I have no reason to doubt it.
The veracity of this claim, I leave up to forum members. But I have no reason to doubt it.