Do-217 E. Device under left wing.

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Senior Airman
Nov 26, 2019
Boise, Idaho USA
I have this Do-217 kit for an upcoming build.
Under the right wing, there's an Hs-293 glide bomb. What is the device indicated under the left wing? A drop tank? Something else?
I thought it might be, but the fins got me wondering. When they fired the glide bomb, would they also jettison that fuel tank at the same time?
Not simultaneously. Both devices are not controlled by one and the same mechanism. I would say they dropped (jettisoned) the tank immediately/soon after dropping the glide bomb.
Probably soon after. If that tank was fairly full, they'd probably start banking left immediately after launching the glide bomb. That one was radio controlled. I think they also had some wire-guided weapons, as well.
standard 900l droptank, those DT were typically drained first but only dropped after the bomb.
AFAIR they were used to counterbalance asymmetric drag caused by the bomb

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