Does anybody really play Multiplayer?

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Apr 24, 2004
Kamloops B.c.
It's been a while since I've actually played the game, but i was curious if anybody actually played the game online.
i played on line once and i put about 500 rd in one plane and he woud not go down he was on fire and still shot me out of the air and three orthers as well
and never less thin full speed in a p39
and never ran out of ammo
that was the last time i played online
no he was cheating and no one did enthing about it every one on his side never got shot down halh the time i never got off the ground befor i got shot up and blueup
i ran out of ammo on 3 airplanes trying to get one
We have moved to Version 1946 patched to 4.08m. If you want a 100% game go to Spits 109,s (IP Or Zekes Wildcats (IP you either can join by IP address or through Hyperlobby..these server have the anti cheat setup installed...if you have any mods on your game it WILL NOT let you join..But Beware.....these rooms are as real as this sim can get. There NO labels or maps with little airplanes that show you were you are. Complex Engine Management is ammo and fuel...ON...Your locked in the cockpit...outside views are OFF..NO target lock...ALLTHE "HELPERS" in the game are if someone shoots you down it,s because he saw you 1st and came in without you knowing he was coming or you tried to do something your plane could not trying to out run a 109 with a Hurr....or out turn a A6m! with a Corsair...theres always a good reason why i,m on fire or bailing out....and it usually started 3 mistakes back.....
How do i join IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 on hyperlobby? there are only IL-2 Sturmovik or Pacific fighters.

Plz help.. wanna play online!


ok.. i need to go to Forgotten Battles. but no server
il just wait
I agree with Eklund89. There is rarely, if ever, any server for 1946 up..

There are a few that are up all the time

Warbirds of Prey have 2 servers spits vs 109s 4.08m zeke vs wildcat 4.08m, these servers use a more realistic setting

All Aircraft Arcade :: Index has a server (which allows mods) but you can still fly with the 4.08m patch. Man a love those 17's.

Skies~Of~Fire » Home of the Fire Squadron have 2 servers up as well.

All have public TS which you can use.

In Australia we have a few servers as well

Real Aussie Air Force (no mods allowed)

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