++ **** DONE: 1/48 Meteor F-8 - Military Conflicts of the 1950's

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Thanks Guys,

noticed that the rockets had bands/Rings, discovered the main band was a light green...so into the decal stash to find a suitable colour, took a while but an old spitfire fuselage band from a fujimi kit did the job. first bit disintergrated, plan B gloss coat over decal problem solved and bands applied.
Next...Red/White bands on the nose of the rockets....no extra 'mini' decals for this so out came some fine brushes and some bands painted....not the best result bit too far back....but looks like it does the job....from a distance.
No Macro closeup shots on this otherwise I will not be happy.....
Look good enough to me Wayne.
Bit late now, but I've just found the colour drawings and diagrams, which were posted on the forum during a past GB, I think by Wildcat, which show the warhead and rocket tube markings, including the stencils on the tubes.
That said, most of the markings wouldn't be seen anyway, especially in this scale, as they were feintly applied, and they're hidden under the wings, too.
Just received the Classic Airframes 1/48th scale kit of the Meteor Nf.11 (to convert to a NF.12), and had a look at the nose wheel, expecting it to be a single moulding, like the Airfix F.8 kit. It's a separate wheel, and two parts to make the leg and mudguard.
Surprised, therefore, that Airfix made theirs a single part !
Cheers Guys, the rocket colour rings are complete and Rockets fitted to wings, not glued in yet. Also made some simple firing cables to dangle at the rear of the rockets.
How did you make those cables Wayne? I'll need to make some as well.

.25 copper wire strands, .64 plastic rod, drilled out .5mm depth with a .3mm drill, superglue copper strand into hole cut off plastic rod sand end flat so it's only about .75mm of rod. resand plastic rod face to drill.....repeat procedure 15 more times....actually about 23 or 24 as the drill slipped off centre a few times and I started over...

Glue each assembly into rockets and bend 90 degrees to ground for the dangle!

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