Good attention to the alignment Geo. The delicate details in the wing fold will require attachment with very small amounts of CA. For things like this, I make myself a CA applicator tool and you've conveniently shown me the raw material for this in you photos. Grab one of those toothpicks and an x-acto blade and slice off one end of the pick at a shallow angle so you get a chisel-like edge. Then, carefully cut a V-shape in the chisel edge.
To glue your part, dry fit it in place and put a drop of thin CA on a piece of paper or tape. Don't use the thick stuff. I like to put a piece of tape on my cutting mat and use that for a glue receptacle. Once it's all bumpy with dried glue, just peel it off and chuck it. Take your toothpick and dab the V-cut into the CA. You'll see a small amount of CA wick onto the toothpick. Then take your loaded toothpick and dab the end onto the part where you want it to mate with the other surface and the CA should wick out onto that part. If you apply too much, use a rolled up corner of tissue paper as a blotter. This picks up excess CA nicely so long as it's still liquid.