**** DONE: GB-48 1/72 S.M.79 - Carrier & Maritime Patrol A/C of WWII

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
Username: fastmongrel
First name: Stu
Category: Intermediate
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Italeri
Model Type: Savioa-Marchetti S.M.79 Torpedo Bomber
Aftermarket Add-ons: None OOB

It will be painted in the colours of 281st Squadriglia, 132 GruppoAutonomo A.S. based on Rhodes in 1941.

My first ever 3 banger and as far as I can remember my first ever Italeri kit. Opening the box and there's 2 big sprues and 1 transparent sprue. At first look it's a well moulded kit with minimal flash on the parts. The styrene feels nice, soft and easy to work.

The instructions look easy to follow but it's a foldout single sheet and it's huuuuge
This wasnt started as a GB entrant I was half way along with the construction before I realised it might qualify. I checked and was told it was okay and all I needed to do was modify the first post and ask Wurger to move it to the GB 48 section.
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I can foresee a problem with the wing attachment. It looks like the whole fuselage centre section is supported by just a short section of cockpit floor and one bulkhead. There's no main spar tieing things together. I feel a main spar will be made soon.

From my two fingers which is the cockpit bulkhead back to nearly the tail there's no cross support apart from the wing lower and the floor section.
A good modelling session. I have fitted a spar tying the engine nacelles to the fuselage. It was a very floppy joint with only small glue joints connecting the wing. It doesn't get in the way but if I need to I can snip it off before I glue the top wings.
Lots of gooey Citadel Liquid Green Stuff squidged into the joints. Now time to let it dry before sanding everything smoother than a politicians tongue. I have ordered the correct Vallejo paints for the paint job, pricey but I think the kit is worth it.
Some neat work so far.

I've just noticed - the thread title states "GB48", yet this thread is in the "Start to Finish" builds. Should it be in the Group Builds relevant thread ?
If so, I'm sure a Mod can move it for you.

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