**** DONE: GB-62 1/32 Spitfire Mk. VIII - Spitfires

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Just picked this up from Thrift books for $6.50. I bought it as it has photos (all color) of the Spitfire I'm doing for the Spitfire group build. The first chapter is MTO and most of the photos are from Lt. William Skinner with several of his bird Spitfire Mk. VIII Lonesome Polecat!

Good stuff Don.
The interior colour is rather odd though - it should be RAF Grey-Green, more of a sage green shade.
Always an issue. This is Vallejo "pale green" (British interior green) I compared it against Tamiya X-71 and decided on it but I'll post comparison later for input. Your invitation to come and supervise is always open, but you'll not need your coat, we're running 95° F with heat index of 100+.
Agreed but Tamiya has a strange penchant for making the colour of their bottle tops quite different from their contents. In the case of XF-71, the contents are much darker than the bottle top:

Even so, the straight XF-71 is pretty close, if a bit dark.

Unfortunately the Tamiya XF-71 is the cockpit green but for the IJN kites but not for the RAF ones. RAF interior green should be FS34226. However by adding of some medium grey it is possible to get a simple mix that may match the RAF IG.
What is the Vallejo number of the paint? Vallejo Model Air 71.095 Pale Green - RAL6011 ? If it is it is also the wrong colour. It should be either the Vallejo Model Air 71305 Interior Grey Green or Vallejo Model Air 71126 IDF/IAF Green.
I'll look see what I have. It would be nice if everyone used USA interior green, but alas….

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