**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb ( Italian ) - Spitfires

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I was going to mention that but wasn't sure what the Italians might have done with the bars.

Bernie, what a great looking pit. I think your IP has a good chance of fitting now that you have explained it. I love the seat paint job.
I was going to mention that but wasn't sure what the Italians might have done with the bars.

Bernie, what a great looking pit. I think your IP has a good chance of fitting now that you have explained it. I love the seat paint job.
I think that the Italians at that time didn't think about changing the color of the crowbar... It was enough to have spitfires to fly on ...

Thanks Andy, I hope to be able to close the fuselage without major problems, but when the risk is great.
It's unlikely to come as good as the good job you did with Eduard's Vc, but get closer.
Small progress... I need to get some belts back before I continue... I can't not put them on.

I just pasted the IP on the right side. The two half-fuselages are only supported.

See you soon


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after doing what I could to improve the interior, I glued the fuselage halves and detailed the collimator area a bit and then glued the clear picies and closed the cockpit.


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