**** DONE: GB-62 1/72 Spitfire Mk 21 Contraprop - Spitfires

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The silver is on and I'm doing decals this afternoon. I have the first rudder decal soaking and I'm looking at the instructions for its placement. I'm looking and looking and something feels off. Go back to page one and look at the decal sheet.

This is part D53, a scoop for the engine. That ruler is 1/10ths of an inch or 2.5mm. Yes, I got it cleaned up and glued down. Good for SH to do the work to include that. Another detail is the radiators go deep, up in the wing with the curving duct work molded into the bottom wing half.

The answer is the port tail flash is leading with the blue. I've never seen that and I will put that decal on "upside down" unless there is any chance that it is correct. It's an unfortunate error if not and I can see it will trip up some people who aren't familiar with British markings.
The decals are drying, and every bit is painted. All I have to do is glue them on from least delicate to most fragile. the red warning on the door will not be visible because it will be shown open. The crow bar (unseen) is red because safety equipment post-war was red. Don't know EXACTLY when post-war was but this is late 40's.

Only exhaust stains to paint on, AFAIK, the cannons were not mounted. The fairings have smooth tips with no holes. I wonder if there was ballast fitted into the gun bays for weight and balance requirements.
Done and while Special Hobby was a good kit, I find Airfix a little easier to build. The clear wing lights disappeared and I left the pitot tube off because I was nervous about glueing a 1 x 2 mm base onto a decal. It is clearly larger when parked next to the BOB Spit and the contra-prop is very impressive looking.

Here is the official "Finished" shot.
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