Don’t miss the largest gathering of heavy WWII bombers.

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oh sure, and it;s in america!!

well there wont be a lanc there anyway........

and the british heavy bomber meet is held anually at elvington i belive, but that's too far away as well..........

and there's a specail place for threads like this, perhaps a mod could move it??

GT was specific: the event will take place in Michigan, USA.

America is quite a big continent: from Alaska all the way down to Chile/Argentina.
Hey...if someone goes there don't forget to take a cam with him and record the entire event, then post it here so the rest of us can see it too... Pls ppl...

Is this Lanc grounded?
the lancaster kicks ass said:
no it's in canada.............

Naturally it is in Canada.

Now, how far do you think is it from Hamilton, Ontario to Belleville, Michigan? Less distance than from Hamiton to Ottawa and the Lanc has been to Ottawa.

Lancs just pissed because he can not see it.

As for the prices I just flew form Frankfurt Germany to Washington DC and back for only $430.

the Mynarski Lancaster is based in Hamilton.

"The Canadian Warplane Museum has dedicated their Lancaster to the memory of Andrew Charles Mynarski. On June 12, 1944, Pilot Officer Mynarski, the Lancaster middle-upper gunner, risked his life to try to save a rear gunner, when his hydraulic equipment seized after an enemy attack. Mynarski fought through flames trying to help his comrade escape to no avail. Finally, the rear gunner indicated to Mynarski to try to save his own life as nothing could be done to save his. Pilot Officer Mynarski stood at attention and saluted the trapped gunner before he jumped with his clothes and parachute on fire.

Pilot Officer Andrew Charles Mynarski was found by French forces, and later died of severe burns. The individual who was able to relay Mynarski's heroic act was the rear gunner, who miraculously survived the plane crash. Mynarski was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously for his heroism and selflessness in attempting to save the rear gunner. Thus, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum appropriately dedicated their Lancaster, the "Mynarski"

To make him happy.

Great pictures, KK! Did you take any of those?
I've only ever seen that Lanc while it was standing still, and I'd love to actually see it fly!

Awww, why are all great things only in Ontario?

...or Alberta?

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