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France and Britain declared war on Germany. Not the other way around.
Thought we had but this to bed a while back.......
So what was the reason for the "Halt" order? Whats your opinion?
I think it was a combination of his troops needing to rest/repair and Goering offering the Luftwaffe to Hitler to finish them off instead.
The reasons for the halt order are diverse and complex, but the most immediate reason was the concern generated by the counterattack at Arras. This, and the knowledge that the French were readying other counterattacks in tyhe vicinity of Bethune and elsewhere on the flanks of the salient made the Germans hesitate. The initial order to halt was given by Rundstedt, but it rapidly permeated the higher echelons of the high command, who took what was a prudent step made by Rundstedt and blew it out of all proportion.
Finshed reading "Miracle at Dunkirk" by Walter Lord for the umpteenth time and was wondering what everyone thought about Hitler's "Halt" Order of 24 May. As Mr. Lord writes.....
"That day Guderian's panzers had reached Bourbourg, only 10 miles south-west of Dunkirk. Nothing stood between them and the port. The bulk of the BEF still lay near Lille, 43 miles to the south. By the time the tanks began rolling again in the predawn hours of 27 May, the escape corridor had been established, the BEF was pouring into Dunkirk and Ramsay's rescue fleet was hard at work."
Hitler was a moron
Germany would have been an even worse basket case than Britain IMO.
I will say this however, hitlers war from the very beginning was an affair conducted in near desperation driven in part by the parlous state of her economy
Even though it was a war motivated in part by economic desperation, it was still a win-able war for Germany. Germany retained good chances for victory until December 1941,
I dont agree, however that Hitler was a moron, or that he was responsible for the defeat of the german army. I believe that his temper tantrums have been overplayed, and overblown, to cover many personal and organisational failures within the German armed forces. There are many examples of Generals defying Hitler or giving Hitler bad news, and for a time surviving and thriving. Good examples of that independance can be found in Rommel, in Manstein in 1943 and many others. Those generals that didnt have answers to the problems they faced, found it all too easy to just blame Hitlers stupidity.....when in reality their own failings were at least as much to blame
One also needs to be aware that OKH, and its air and naval equivalents were inherently conservation and restrained organizations. The German naval high command, with the exception of Doenitz was more efficient than inspired, as their behaviour in many actions demonstrated.
The whole wehrmacht command structure seemed to get the jitters at the slightest challenge to their supremacy. As FB points out, Arras was a pretty low scale, scratch built affair, yet for the germans they believed they were being attacked by hundreds of tanks. And they had some intell on the allied preparations, which suggested several more divs making ready for an attack or attacks. Mind you, even with the halt order in place ther was still some progress, and some armoured support continued to be provided. But the Germans lost an opportunity of some sort nevertheless
Hitler, so long as he didnt get involved in the detailed planning was an asset whilst things relied on surprise and dash for success. But Hitler tended to fall to pieces when faced with a meatgrinder that required quick, but cool thinking, such as what faced his army in late May 1940. A few precautions were needed, and a more cautious advance, but Hitler panicked, called a full halt, and made the British escape even more certain.....