Duxford American Airforce in Britain Museum

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Chief Master Sergeant
Dec 20, 2003
Ipswich, Suffolk
The last time I went to Duxford the new US Airforce building had just started being built this is the end result designed by sir Norman Foster I think they've done a good job in paying tribute to the US involvement in the UK I'll put on a few pics at a time as I edit them there's about 20 in all.
all images are from my own personal collection and may be used by anyone in the public domain


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A few more Pics guys
all images are from my own personal collection and may be used by anyone in the public domain


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A bit better view here Skim mate (I know your kidding but I can assure you there are all the real deal Skim no fakes here there just not airworthy)
all images are from my own personal collection and may be used by anyone in the public domain


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Of course I was kidding.
I know they're real planes. Many museums suspend them like that.

Great view of the A-10 though.
That is, unless you're actually on the receiving end.
Actually while I was there they threatened to suspend me from the ceiling claiming I was another relic from the past but as Im a Limey and not a Yank I got away with it . Another couple of pics


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I think they've been clever speaking to the guys who admin the place they have combined a series of attractions like free hanger space for private classic plane owners in return for displaying the aircraft and the number of volunteers is unbelievable. I have started donating towards the Airspace Hanger that will house the British and Commonwealth displays
at the moment there are 5 hangers of planes to visit excluding the US building and the land warfare section. heres a couple of pics in the conservation hanger and of the new ones construction in progress. current cost is £21 million All images are from my own personel collection and may be used in the public domian


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Not sure Skim I believe its a runner but to be honest I couldnt tell you if they intend to do enough restoration to get an airworthy ticket or not
the TRS2 is definately for static display only so is the Lightning.
Can't wait for the Lightning. Do you have to pay to take pictures in there like you do in IWM:North (rip off)?
No D £9.50 entry fee and thats it
Problem with the B52 is that it takes up so much room in the hall that even with a wide angle lens you can only get bits and most of them are back lit so they tend to be dark so sorry for the poor quality guys#
All images are from my own personel collection and may be used in the public domian


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Nonskimmer said:
Is that Canuck going to be a flyer or just static?
Ive found an aircraft list for Duxford that explains if they are static or airworthy Skim the Canada is unfortunately a static disply undergoing restoration Ill write up a list of all the planes and post it here Skim
The list of Aircraft currently at Duxford although some more had arrived
for the Warbird show
A = Airworthy
S = Static
R = Currently being Restored
Total 132 aircraft


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