Mid Atlantic Air Museum WW2 Weekend Pictures

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Going fishing boys. Just loading the car and I will pick up my fishing buddy, Silent G, at 4am. 14 hour drive today but at the end, that is where the fish are. Oh ya, my son and my brother, I am going to see them as well. Not home till next Saturday, probably about 8pm or so. Have a great week guys, talk with you then.


View attachment 785917

Going fishing boys. Just loading the car and I will pick up my fishing buddy, Silent G, at 4am. 14 hour drive today but at the end, that is where the fish are. Oh ya, my son and my brother, I am going to see them as well. Not home till next Saturday, probably about 8pm or so. Have a great week guys, talk with you then.


Good luck on the fishing trip and have a great time.

All the best


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