Duxford preview ITV

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Tech Sergeant
Apr 6, 2005
A snippet of how local TV covers lead-up to VE Day at IWM Duxford... the usual disappointments... nice view of Twin Pioneer, Rapide and P40 etc static... tedious insert of stock footage and no WW2 planes in the air... oh well...


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Yes they make the effort to get the cameras there and then they waste the opportunity. I suspect we will hear no more unless some plane crash occurs... god forbid.
I puzzles me how music plays whenever the wheels are in the well.
TV is a visual medium so why do they feel the need to talk so much?
Oh well.......
Red Square Flankers and Fulcrums snippet of the flypast.... nice and tight.

A fitting salute to the Soviet heroes and heroines who fought so valiantly in WW2.


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They were pathetic but I think Britain is having hers in June. It annoys me most when the TV presenters said "VE Day, the end of World War 2". Yeah, tell that to my Grandad (if he was still alive).

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