EAA Ford Trimotor visits Redding Airport (RDD)

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Last week, we had a vist by the EAA's Ford Trimotor here in town (Redding Municipal Airport) and it was great to see vintage aviation up close and personal!

I went down on Friday (29 May) afternoon and took some photos and we had a suprise visit by a Gentleman and his Wife in their 1932 Ford sedan, and of course, we took photos of the folks and their '32 Ford alongside the Trimotor!

The history behind this particular aircraft is interesting, and I'll post the info straight from the EAA's site:

The following day (30 May) I returned to rake a ride in the morning, when it was a little cooler and the angle of the sun would make for better shots from the air!

And now, the photos!

I'm breaking the photo groups up to make it kind and gentle on everyone's browser...there'll more photos on the way!
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Thanks guys!

Great shots Dave, those un cowled engines always make me think they haven't finished putting it together !
lol Karl...you have a point, though when I was a kid and saw un-cowled rounds, I was fascinated and wanted to explore up close! The guys had to keep a close eye on me

Ok, now for round two!

So far, all the photos posted have been from the Friday visit (29 May) and the following ones in this post were also taken on Friday.

And this brings us to the end of Friday! The next group will be of the next day's visit (and flight)!

I hope everyone's enjoying the Trimotor, so far!
Thanks Terry and Wojtek!!

And here we are...the final group of photos!

These were taken on Saturday morning and it was a great day to take a ride!

Now, just a little bit of history behind the Trimotor that qualifies it as a WWII aircraft:

This particular model, the 4-AT-E was ordered by the U.S. military, designated as the C-3A. It was powered by three 235-hp Wright R-790-3 radials and seven were purchased.

The military purchased 4 more, based on the 5-AT-D, designated as the C-4A. This version was equipped with three 450-hp Pratt Whitney R-1340-11 radial engines.

The U.S. Marine Corps purchased two 4-AT-E aircraft, designated as the JR-2.

Then the USMC purchased two 5-AT-C versions and the U.S. Navy purchased an additional aircraft, this being designated the JR-3.

There were other "one off" aircraft purchased for evaluation...most of the military versions of the Trimotor were used for light cargo, liaison or training.
However, in 1942, the Trimotor saw combat during the invasion of the Philippines. Normally carrying 12 passengers, this Trimotor carried 24 personnel at a time, over 500 miles during the Battle of Bataan, making the trip twice a day until it was no longer possible to make the passage. It survived several attacks, eventually being destroyed on the ground during Japanese air raids.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Trimotor's photos and brief history!
Nice one Dude. Saw that bird at Osh way back in 2005, pure ol'timer classic !

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