Fleet Air Arm Martlet

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Grumman Martlet of the Fleet Air Arm. This is an Ex-French Martlet I AL257. Grumman designation is G-36A and it was equipped with an R-1820-G205A rated at 1000 hp at 13,500 ft.

This is an Ex-French Martlet I AL257

Martlet I AL257 was one of the last 27 of the first British contract for the type, having been diverted to Britain by the British Purchasing Commission, the serials AL231 to AL262 allocated for these last aircraft, which were delivered to Scottish Aviation at Prestwick between October and December 1940. According to the Interwebs, this aircraft served with 804 Sqn based at Hatstson, Orkney.
Capt Eric Brown was most impressed with the Martlet when he made a head-on pass at an FW-200, had a mid-air with the German bomber and "the sturdy Martlet survived but the FW-200 did not."

I'd be impressed , too. I'll bet the Germans were as well, although perhaps for only a very short period of time.
On 7 August 1942, in a side-show effort to distract Japanese attentions from Guadalcanal in the Solomons, HMS Formidable allowed herself to be spotted by Japanese patrol reconnaissance in the Bay of Bengal. In the process, Sub-Lieuts Scott and Ballard, in Martlets from 888 Squadron (Capt FDG Bird, RM) splashed a Kawanishi H6K 'Mavis' flying boat flying boat piloted by Lt (jg) Yokoyama Tetsuo.
Too bad Sommerville's three carriers at Ceylon weren't equipped with folding Martlets instead of Fulmars and Sea Hurricanes. Not possible I know.
Formidable had brought 888 squadron with the folding wing Martlet II with her from the U.K. Nominal strength 12 aircraft. There was supposed to have been 6 serviceable during Operation C. IIRC another 3 had been left ashore at China Bay for pilot training.

I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure the answer is negative. The FAA sent Hellcats and Corsairs to the Pacific and kept the Martlets in Europe. I'd be delighted to be proved wrong...but I'm confident my info is correct.
While I'm not aware of any combat between RN Martlet/Wildcats and the IJNAF/IJAAF other than already noted, they were used quite a bit In the Indian Ocean area.

So in 1942 Formidable was the first to use them until she left for home in Aug 1942, followed by Illustrious until she left for home in Jan 1943. Also Indomitable had a few from May-July 1942 before she left for the Med and Operation Pedestal.

During 1944 a number of RN escort carriers operated in the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal on anti submarine patrols with Wildcat fighter flights attached to their Swordfish / Avenger squadrons. Battler (834 squadron where Wildcat V replaced Seafires 6-10/44), Shah (851 squadron 4/44-2/45), Begum (832 squadron 1-11/44), Ameer (845 squadron 2/44-2/45).

Also in 1944 Atheling operated briefly as a fighter carrier in the Indian Ocean with 889 squadron with Seafires and 890 with Wildcat V May-July 1944.

And finally HMS Searcher took 882 squadron with Wildcat VI to the IO in the summer of 1945 in time to participate in Operation Zipper, the re-occupation of Malaya in Sept 1945.

And let's not forget Victorious in the South Pacific in summer 1943. But again no action against Japanese aircraft.

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