Early Vautour landings

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1st Sergeant
May 31, 2007
The Vautour was yet another example of an aircraft that incorporated tandem landing gear with outrigger wheels-in this case located in the lateral aspect of the engine nacelles. During the first few years of service, the Vautour IIN encountered some teething troubles, though none of a 'major' nature.

One of the problems that recurred during the early period concerned the outboard stabilising wheels, which on occasions was prone to not lock down.

If sufficient warning of this failure could be given by the pilot, according to an article I have just read, 'enthusiastic' ground staff took it upon themselves to drive a car alongside the Vautour as it decelerated, and position themselves to prevent the affected wing from touching/striking the ground.

Unlikely, but I thought I would ask if anyone possessed photos of these landing rescues.

In landing aircraft with tandem landing gear, you also need to plant both wheels at the same time or else you could induce Pilot Induced Oscillation (PIO). My father in law told me this could happen when landing B-52s...

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