eBay: Dornier Do17 (1 Viewer)

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I've no problem with people who deface copies of pictures that they are selling on ebay etc. It's the complete obliteration of swastikas' where the obliteration extends beyond the outline of the swastika.
I've no problem with people who deface copies of pictures that they are selling on ebay etc. It's the complete obliteration of swastikas' where the obliteration extends beyond the outline of the swastika.

You have inadvertently answered or at least identified the folly of your own discussion point, 'fraid to say, Fowellbox. The image is displayed for selling on ebay. If you buy the image it won't be sent to you censored, so no loss of clarity. The images are kindly posted here by enthusiastic individuals for our benefit, but that's not what they are put on the internet for.

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