eBay: Martin B-26 Marauder

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Converted by Dassault as testbed for SNECMA ATAR 101 jet engine, registered F-WBXM, first flew Oct 9, 1950. Reregistered F-ZVLA, WFU May 14, 1958

B26_11_B-26G 43-34584 F-WBXM du CEV.JPG
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41-31669 558th BS, 387th BG, A Kay Pea's Dream hit by AAA Jun 15, 1944 on raid

b26_23_31669 558th BS, 387th BG, A Kay Pea's Dream hit by AAA Jun 15, 1944 on raid.jpg
Martin B-26B 41-17747 (17th BG, 37th BS) hit by AA and belly landed at Telergma Mar 23, 1943 notice head in dome.

The head of pilot 2Lt Franklin P Bedford can be seen in t h e a s t r o d o m e of his b o m b e r (B-26B 41-17747 Earthquake McGoon of
t h e 37th B S / 1 7 t h BG) as he surveys
d a m a g e inflicted by a direct hit f r o m
an 88 m m shell on t h e port engine
nacelle. The M a r a u d e r had been
hit whilst on its b o m b run against
La Smala airfield on 24 M a r c h 1943.
The pilot carried on w i t h his attack,
dropping his b o m b s and t h e n
returning t o Telergma and crash-
landing. Just visible under t h e
rear fuselage of t h e aircraft is
t h e ' t u n n e l ' machine g u n , fitted
t o t h e rear crew entry hatch.
This defensive position w a s
subsequently deleted by M a r t i n
on its production lines w h e n guns
w e r e fitted t o t h e w a i s t w i n d o w s
instead. Earthquake McGoon has
been field modified w i t h t w o guns
in t h e latter position as w e l l

b26_25_17747 (17th BG, 37th BS) hit by AA and belly landed at Telergma Mar 23, 194.jpg

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