eBay: Messerschmitt Me110

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View attachment 738740

No fault of their own, but the seller has got several details wrong.

This crash shows probably the most photographed Bf 110 ever.

13th May 1940
5. Staffel, Zerstörergeschwader 1
Bf 110 C-1
W. Nr. 2837
Pilot: Unteroffizier Schindler
Bordfunker: Obergefreiter Heinze
Both survived the crash.
I've got over 40 photos of this crash. Here's one.
2N+HN + bike 01.jpg
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Bf 110G-4 of the 9./NJG1 (G9+AT) W.Nr 160616 with the FuG 220, Fritzlar 1945.

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View attachment 737008
the source: the net.

The nightfighter Bf 110 was just so important. They extracted a heavy toll of Allied Night bombers, but they did suffer a heavy attrition themselves, partly from Mosquito intruder nightfighters! I am going to guess that the Bf 110 was the highest scoring nightfighter of all time?
The Bf 110 was also written-up as a nice aircraft to fly. For me, the late nightfighters with the big flame damper exhausts and the AI Aerials are very impressive and very important in history.


Yep .. a couple of the shots also can be seen here ... Zerstörergeschwader 1
Yeah, some photos there. A site where the owner hasn't done a moment's research in his life, and uses decades-old information. The caption given on that site against the photos of that crash says Laval airfield, and the W. Nr was 3513. 100% wrong. I gave the correct information in my previous post.

THIS is the crash at Laval airfield on 17th September 1940 of 3513, a Bf 110 C-4.
No fault of their own, but the seller has got several details wrong.

This crash shows probably the most photographed Bf 110 ever.

13th May 1940
5. Staffel, Zerstörergeschwader 1
Bf 110 C-1
W. Nr. 2837
Pilot: Unteroffizier Schindler
Bordfunker: Obergefreiter Heinze
Both survived the crash.
I've got over 40 photos of this crash. Here's one.
View attachment 738750
another one for the collection


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3N+1H 1939

View attachment 740216

6th September 1939
1./ZG1 Messerschmitt Bf110C-1. Shot down by Ppor. Wiktor Strzembosz of 111 EM in combat north-west of Warsaw during escort sortie for Ju87s of I./StG1 and IV.(St)/LG1. Crash-landed at Wojcieszyn 12.00 p.m. Pilot Major Karl Hammes (Staffelkapitän) killed, Bordfunker Oberfeldwebel Walter Steffen captured wounded. Aircraft 2N+IH 100% write-off.

Hammes flew in World War 1, and between the wars was a famous opera singer. Following his loss, Oberleutnant Martin Lutz took over as Staffelkapitän of 1./ZG 1.

Another view:
2N+IH and medics 02.jpg
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View attachment 741383

Bf 110 C-1 of 13.(Z)/LG1. Crew: Fw. Georg Klever (pilot) & Uffz. Hugo Weller (Bordfunker).

This crew were wounded in action on 13th August 1940 in a Bf 110 D. Managed to return to base in France, but both were hospitalised as a result of their wounds.
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Right, here's my take on that combat report. This is going to be a long post, so bear with me.

I believe it is a fake.
1. This combat report is loose. In the combat report files in the Public Record Office (now National Archive) when I viewed them, they were ALL attached to the files by a treasury tag. There is no eveidence of this ever being attached to a file.
2. The combat report identifies F/Lt. Rook. It is VERY unusual for a pilot of one squadron to identify in his combat report the name of a pilot of another squadron. In all of those that I have seen where another friendly fighter joined the combat, the best that is usually shown is the fuselage code (and a lot of the time, because of the speed of combat, the fuselage code given is not fully correct).
3. I have NEVER seen the name of the Luftwaffe unit(s) attacked on a combat report. Here it shows Erprobungsgruppe 210 and Zerstörergeschwader 26. Also, it shows the target: Parnell (sic - should be Parnall) Factory, Yate Bristol. Occasionally, a pilot will identify the Luftwaffe target, since he will have seen the bombing attack being carried out as he went in to attack. In this instance, the combat took place nowhere near Yate, Bristol, yet the combat report identifies an individual factory as the target (which was not actually hit because 504 Squadron intercepted the bombing force before it reached the target). This points, to me, a fake done in some decade after the Battle of Britain.
4. Now, here's the clincher. I obtained a photocopy of Constable-Maxwell's combat report when I was carrying out my research into Erprobungsgruppe 210 for my book on that unit. Here are the two relevant pages that I wrote about the combat involving Anthony Rook and Michael Constable-Maxwell
View attachment 694851
View attachment 694852
In what I consider to be the fake combat report, there is no mention of Constable-Maxwell returning to base because of oxygen failure. Constable-Maxwell then took off alone and came across F/Lt. Rook attacking a Bf 110, and joined in. I have quoted from Constable-Maxwell's combat report directly in my book: '...saw E/A (with one engine stopped) crash after endeavouring to force-land. No cine gun. Return fire from rear gun. None of the crew baled out...' That is verbatim from Constable-Maxwell's combat report I saw in the Public Record Office in the 1980s and obtained a photocopy of it. The fake combat report does not mention anything I have just quoted. And that combat report states that Rook 'chased the 110 out to sea'. No he didn't - the combat and crash of Bf 110, S9+DK, was well inland. And Constable-Maxwell did not withdraw through lack of ammunition. You can see in my account, quoting Alexander McKee (an excellent researcher and writer who interviewed Constable-Maxwell), that Constable-Maxwell watched for several minutes while Fritz Ebner sought a safe landing place to get his crippled Bf 110 down.

Unfortunately, fakes have been in circulation for many years...

Fake, fake, fake!
S9+DK Wrknr 4270 Bf110D
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